Thursday 16 April 2009

I dreamed a dream (Les Miserables)

Im inspired to share this clip when I watched the sensational rendition of the song from one of the contestants of the popular UK talent show, Britain Got Talent. Her name is Susan Boyle, a Scottish 47 years old that impressed the judges, including Simon Cowell himself and a big surprise to everyone.

Well, there is so much talks over Youtube channel now after Susan's clip was posted this week. It is annoying to read comparisons between Lea Salonga who sung it in Broadway and Susan who just starting her quest to a new career. Frankly speaking, there is no comparison at all - it is like comparing an apple and pineapple. The message of the song is really beautiful and while watching Susan, it reminded me of the musical that Ive watched live in West End two years ago and Im still hoping that I will be able to watch Lea singing this song as she did it on this video, maybe in Broadway...

Monday 13 April 2009

Electricity from Elton John

A moving song for a beautiful story of a young boy who wants to be a ballet dancer. I bought the album of the musical when I watched it in West End two years ago and Im still planning to watch it again for the second time around.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Blood is not thicker than water

I watched this musical and it touched my heart. It is funny but serious towards the end. I think it really shows us the cycle of life and the irony of it as well. Some people will say, what a coincidence but, there is always a reason why things happened.

I could not imagine the emotion that mother could bear when she realised that her sons will kill each other. Sometimes the truth sets as free but we have to face the consequences from it, maybe it brings bad or good to us, but expect the worse.